




The Final Great War, also known as the Trithan Rebellion, stands as a monumental event in the history of the Thea galaxy. Marking the end of the Deo Dynasty, this conflict reshaped the political, social, and cultural landscapes of Thea, heralding a new era in its history. Central figures leading the rebellion against the Deo Dynasty, the Tritha Twins are remembered for their strategic brilliance and revolutionary vision. The last ruler of the Deo Dynasty, whose reign faced the tumultuous challenge of the Trithan Rebellion, was Samrat Suradeo.


The war resulted in the overthrow of Samrat Suradeo and the end of the Deo Dynasty’s long-standing rule. The conclusion of the war marked the start of a new historical epoch, counted in years since the Trithas’ victory.

The war was characterized by groundbreaking strategies and tactics, including the use of advanced technology and unconventional warfare methods. The conflict saw the participation of various species and factions, each aligning with different sides based on their interests and beliefs. It is the only great war where the hominids fought among themselves, not against a non-hominid antagonist.

The war catalyzed widespread cultural and social transformations, influencing art, literature, and public consciousness. Its leaders, the Tritha Twins, are commemorated in various forms, from monuments to literary epics, reflecting their profound impact on Thean society.

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