There are six hominid species of the Thean galaxy, all united by their common culture under the sanatana sarvatra system. The species and their home planets are:
- Manushyas - inhabitants of the planet Kadorra, scientific name homo sapiens. They are commonly called Kadorrans by other inhabitants of the galaxy.
- Avinaki - inhabitants of the planet Prithviyah, scientific name homo avinak.
- Kapusha - inhabitants of the planet Arkindha, scientific name homo kapi.
- Rourushya - inhabitants of the planet Madura, scientific name homo rarasya. Their native planet was destroyed, and they now live as refugees on Kadorra.
- Vaunaki - inhabitants of the planet Ormaunk, scientific name homo vaunak.
- Homo Mycelis - inhabitants of the planet Rtam, scientific name homo mycelis.
In addition to the above, a seventh, non-hominid species was also member of the sanatana sarvatra system- Gaurusha, inhabitants of the planet Gokarna, scientific name homo garasya. They are now extinct.