




Kapusha is one of the six hominid species in the Thea galaxy, distinct for their peace-loving nature and unique societal characteristics. Unlike other hominid species, they are known for their limited use of technology and their choice to inhabit only their native planet - Arkindha, reflecting a deep-rooted connection to their home and a commitment to a simpler way of life.

Their interactions with other species in Thea have been marked by their peaceful approach and reluctance to engage in interstellar conflicts or expansion. Their culture represents the most pacifist end of the spectrum within sanatana sarvatra system. The Kapusha have developed a symbiotic relationship with their planet’s ecosystem, demonstrating a deep understanding and respect for their environment. Their commitment to environmental conservation and sustainable living serves as a model for other species in Thea.

Their way of life has influenced philosophical and ethical discussions in Thea, particularly regarding the role of technology and the importance of environmental stewardship.

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